tng blog roll


what does it mean? a large heavy piece of something // a large building that is distributed in separate flats // a group of buildings // a thing that movement or program difficult or impossible

going back we used to have building blocks more recently we have the block button

if you think & let yourself really really think… a block is a restriction -> a large heavy piece of restriction -> a large restriction put on lands that would’ve had no end -> a button that puts a restriction on your journey with someone a heavy-heavy-heavy invisible untouchable restriction

but, do I believe it just came to existence? or did we bring it in?

we brought in something heavy, that we can’t touch but why? actually………. why do we ever restrict anything? you see we as humans always like the end. we might not like how it ends, but we are obsessed with endings.

so much so, that we make ends even when they don’t exist, maybe because they make us feel in power? case in point: horizon

you know what we did with horizon? we blocked it, just by looking at it & by trying to perceive its end in our head

& i think that is what is block

when we don’t know where something ends & the uncertainty is too much to handle, be block it

spoiler alert i was talking about the creative block all along (think outside the box block, i know i’m trying xd)

block : the creative kind